Stimulate Hair Growth
using Non-Surgical
Laser Therapy

Our laser hair loss treatment encourages
hair growth by increasing blood flow to the
scalp and helps slow the rate of hair loss.

Grow Thicker, Stronger & Healthier Hair With Laser Therapy

For the best laser hair loss treatment Harrow clinic in London, EsteHair has helped hundreds of local men and women regain their confidence. Look at our hair loss before and after photos to see the outstanding results we’ve achieved using laser hair regrowth.

How Laser Hair Growth can help with different Types Of Hair Loss

At the hair loss clinic in Harrow, London, laser hair growth can be a powerful tool when it comes to treating different types of hair loss. Laser therapy has been shown to effectively stimulate the activity of dormant or damaged follicles thanks to its ability to increase blood flow and speed up healing. This means that laser hair regrowth can help with all sorts of problems, such as alopecia areata (patchy baldness), male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness.


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Surgery & Skincare Team

Is Laser Hair Treatment right for you?

Clinic laser therapy for hair loss uses the latest laser techniques to reverse the signs of hair loss and stimulate growth. It is a non-invasive, pain-free method that is both safe and effective for both adult men and women.


Before & After

Trust Our Patients

We are incredibly proud of our customer feedback please read some of our testimonials below.

Start Your Journey with
Estehair Medical

Frequently Asked Questions

1What is Laser Hair Regrowth?
Laser hair regrowth refers to a type of therapy that uses low-level laser light therapy to stimulate the hair follicles, encouraging them to regrow. It is a non-invasive, painless and safe treatment for men and women.
2How Does Laser Hair Regrowth Work?
During the treatment, specialised lasers are used to target certain parts of the scalp, specifically the areas with thinning hair or balding patches. The laser energy gets absorbed by the scalp tissue and stimulates activity in the dormant follicles. This causes damaged follicles to regrow hair naturally over time.
3Is Laser Hair Regrowth Effective?
Yes! Studies have found that laser hair regrowth is an effective way to treat mild forms of genetic hair loss in both men and women. It has been shown to improve overall coverage and density of existing hairs while also stimulating new growth where bald patches exist.
4Are There Any Side Effects?
In most cases, laser hair regrowth is a safe and gentle process with little to no side effects. However, it is important to speak with a qualified medical professional before undergoing any kind of treatment.At our laser hair loss treatment Harrow clinic in London, our team of experienced professionals can help you get the best results from your laser hair regrowth treatments. We are dedicated to helping you achieve healthier and fuller-looking hair through safe and effective treatments. Contact us today for a free consultation!